Virtual & Live CME Opportunities
CME Opportunities brought to you Children's Hospital Colorado.
Please direct any questions to Mary Bayham, MPH - Sr. Physician Relations Representative at 720-777-3682 or by email at Mary.Bayham@childrenscolorado.org

Upcoming Virtual CME
April 23, 2024 12 - 1 PM
The Well-Appearing Febrile Neonate: What to Do?
SPEAKER: Christina Fisher, MD, MSCS
Learning Objectives:
Identify the diagnosis criteria for fever in a neonate.
Evaluate and treat a well-appearing neonate less than 21 days old and less than 28 days old.
Summarize the literature and evidence base for the difference in management for neonates <21 days old and those 21-28 days old.
Please register HERE
April 30, 2024 12:30 - 1:15 PM
Pediatric Download: Digging Into Invasive Group A Strep
We will dig into Invasive Group A Strep (iGAS) and discuss the many ways it can present in children. Our experts, Samuel Dominguez, MD, and Erin Ho, MD, will share best practices for recognizing and treating iGAS, with a particular focus on streptococcal toxic shock syndrome and necrotizing fasciitis. They will also highlight global changes in epidemiologic trends since COVID, including a large recent iGAS outbreak here at Children’s Colorado.
Please register HERE
May 2, 2024 12 -1 PM
Benefits of Multidisciplinary Aerodigestive Care
Participants will be able to:
Discuss aerodigestive referrals and how aerodigestive symptoms may originate from multiple systems.
Review the uniform approach and benefits of multidisciplinary Aerodigestive programs.
Facilitate time to discuss how the CHCO Aerodigestive program can serve the patients and providers in the Montana region
Note: providers from any location are welcome to join this presentation! Register HERE.
May 8, 2024 6:15 PM
Cardiology Sports Clearance in Pediatrics (in-person live CME in Ft. Collins, CO)
SPEAKER:Kanika Mathur, MD
LOCATION: Harmony Club Restaurant - 4175 Club Drive, Building "C", Timnath, CO
Participants will be able to:
Determine which patients should be referred to cardiology for further evaluation
Identify patients who should be restricted from activity until cardiac evaluation is complete
Delineate next steps for work up of cardiac concerns
*Food and beverage will be paid for by Children’s Colorado
Please register HERE
May 17, 2024 12 - 1 PM
What's New in Perinatal Cannabis Care in 2024
SPEAKER: Erica Wymore, MD, MPH
Upon completion of this activity participants should be able to:
Identify challenges and limitations with studying effects of perinatal cannabis exposure.
Summarize pregnancy, neonatal and long-term effects associated with perinatal cannabis use.
Review current knowledge of THC excretion in breastmilk.
Implement methods and strategies to improve patient education surrounding perinatal cannabis use.
Please register HERE
Participants MUST register in order to receive CME credit. Learn more about the registration process by clicking HERE.