WY-AAP Dedicated to the lives of children.
The Wyoming Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics believes that the most important resource of the State of Wyoming is its children, and pledges its efforts to promote their health and welfare. The goal of the Chapter is that all children in the State attain their full potential for physical, emotional, and social health.
The mission of the Wyoming Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is to focus its talent and resources to ensure that the children in Wyoming are safe and healthy, that its members are well informed and supported, and that the practice of pediatrics in Wyoming is both fulfilling and economically viable.
Meeting Minutes
Upcoming Events
WY-AAP has a renewed dedication to improving communication and cultivating connections with members. Expect to hear from us, or be given the opportunity to join a conference call on the following schedule:
June - Enewsletter
October - Statewide Membership Conference Call
November - Enewsletter
January - Statewide Membership Conference Call
March - Statewide Membership Conference Call
June - Annual Conference in Coordination with WMS
Chapter Leaders and Contacts
The WY-AAP works to represent pediatricians in a variety of policy and regulatory arenas across the state. For topic specific concerns, consider contacting the WY-AAP representative to carry your message to the appropriate lawmakers and state decision makers.
Brian Horst, MD Medicaid Advisory Group
Oral Health
WY Vaccine Advisory Board ~ WyVIP
Andrew Rose, MD Early Career Physician
Kelly Follett, MD Breastfeeding Coordinator
Diane Edwards, MD Chapter CATCH Facilitator
Suzanne Oss, MD Emergency Response
Disaster Chapter Contact - AAP
Debra Anderson, MD WY Newborn Screening Panel Advisory Cmte
Joseph Horam, MD Drug Utilization Review
Barry Wohl, MD Senior Member Physician - AAP
Meet The Staff Team
Sheila Bush
Executive Director
Maria Cowley
Membership and Finance Director
Whitney Harmon
Communications Director